Friday, 19 August 2011
hot off the interweb
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Back in London
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
I managed to slip and fall on my behind in the mud and ended up making rather more of an intimate connection with the water than I was expecting... Hoping my boots dry before I need to leave for Sweden.
I collected some Lea water - clearer than I expected - to bring to Göteborg, and looked at the reeds growing in the nearby Middlesex Filter Beds: a water treatment plant that has been turned into a kind of park/nature reserve (my thoughts about which are here). They are too thin - and, I guess reedy - to use as whistles so I've regretfully abandoned the idea of making a whole load of them for the audience to play. I will be taking my saxophone mouthpiece with me to transform the sewage pipe into an instrument though, or at least to try. Looking forward to finding out what kind of interesting noises result. I'm also looking forward to exploring this pile of building rubbish I found very close to the river just before I left Göteborg last time:
Pipes and tubes! Let's hope no one's cleared it up before I get there. I'm hoping to do this with some of it.
Friday, 22 July 2011
Monday, 18 July 2011
River playlist
Sunday, 17 July 2011
where does it begin?

Friday, 15 July 2011
Silent, invisible.

rain on the still water surface
water in the falls at Trollhättan
waves underneath the pier at Eriksberg
condensation inside a container falling into the water below near Lille Edet
It’s a very obvious thing, but it took me a while to realise it through making these recordings, that water only makes a sound when it comes into contact with something else: another body of water, an obstacle, a pipe or a rock. Water sounds are very contextual. Water animates or activates other forms. The river itself flows predominantly silently; the way water flows internally is mostly invisible too, something that became obvious when we watched the small pasta-like plastic forms they use in sewage treatment for nitrogen-eating bacteria to grow on swirling in their tank: they are so dense in the water that they show three-dimensionally the water flow patterns, surprising, because it is normally almost undetectable.
Silent and invisible: water has this quality of mysteries and secrets about it. Things are hidden in the water, or thrown in to become psychologically negated, washed away beneath it’s concealing surface. Mythologically, the river acts as a repository of secrets and strangeness - Loki hides from Odin’s wrath in a river beneath a waterfall after having engineered Baldr’s death; Hagen throws the Nibelungen treasure into the Rhine. Orpheus’s disembodied head, still singing mournful songs, floats down the River Hebrus to the Mediterranean. Set fools Osiris into getting into a box, seals it with lead, and throws it into the Nile.
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
The water moves through

Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Pipes and reeds

This idea attached itself – rather like phosphate particles in sewage exposed to iron sulphate – to the idea that had been forming in my mind of making musical instruments from things I might find in the river (this idea in turn was triggered by seeing bone flutes in the museum in Lille Edet, a town a little way upstream on the Göta Älv from Göteborg).

I had collected reeds washed up in the harbour in Göteborg, with the intention of making small whistles. This turned out to be much harder than I had thought, but using a drinking straw as a noise making reed stuck in one end of the reed stem I managed to make a kind of duck noise, which while rather ugly was at least a start. I found a bit of used pipe on the roof of the Biogas building which had been used for sludge - the remains of the organic matter that had been removed from the sewage – and asked if I could take it with me: I got an odd look but permission nonetheless. Once I’ve managed to disinfect it I think I will try and make an instrument out of it, perhaps using a saxophone mouthpiece, or perhaps cutting a hole like a flute. I’m going to try and collect some more reeds, too: maybe even cut some fresh ones, and see if I can make some more successful whistles: I will see if I can find any in London too. Our performance might involve asking the audience to play something, or I might make something they can take home with them.
Sunday, 10 July 2011
So far we have travelled to the source of the river, some 93 km from Göteborg by road; we have walked and cycled around the Göteborg parts of the river, and visited the museums here; today we went on a 9 hour boat trip and travelled upriver to Kungälv where it diverges, and took the northern spur to the sea, then along the coast back to the city. Tomorrow we'll be visiting the sewage treatment plant and later on in the week we're off to see the place where they purify the water from the river for the drinking water supply.